WAIT 0/0A 36C
||- - - - - - -80
ACT >> prog:+15859
POL:2 real:+15859
Information is shown in the display during automatic adjustment:
Line 1:
0/0A: Current in motor phase U / V
36: Current temperature of the power unit
Line 2:
Display rotor position
Line 3:
ACT: Current action
M1 / M2: Measurement 1/2
-> <- Slow positioning of a pole
>> << Fast positioning of the next pole
prog: Latest current pointer position
Line 4:
POLE: Number of the approached pole pair
real: Currect encoder position within a pole
Stop inspection!
Release inspection run push-button
ERR_AVG: -1.42
ERR_MAX: +0.37
ENC_OFF: 1.10
Result of the check is displayed:
Line 1:
ERR_AVG: Average error in degrees (electr. angle)
Line 2:
ERR_MAX: Maximum error in degrees of average value
Line 3+4:
Optimum ENC_OFF: Correction factor encoder offset (electr. angle)
Original operating instructions
Special functions
R-TBA08_03-GB 1619
Part.-No. 00163322-GB