12. Microsoft Windows 3.1
If you want to use the default directory, click on Continue.
To change to another directory, you can either type the path name or you can click
on the down arrow and select a directory for installation. The drop down box works
just like the Directory field in a file open dialog box. After you select the directory,
press the Continue button.
A new VGAUtil group is created in the Windows program manager. It contains the
WinMode configuration utility icon. This utility can be used to set up resolutions, monitor
types, and other options.
The WinMode utility configures your graphics system for Windows 3.1 in either DOS or
OS/2 2.1. It allows the user to change monitor refresh rates, resolution, number of
available colors, large or normal size fonts, and font cache size.
After new options are selected, the user can perform either of the following:
Restart Windows (the new resolution will take effect immediately)
Continue working in the current resolution (the new resolution will take effect the
next time Windows is started)
In some configurations the AUTOEXEC.BAT file needs to be modified to make the
changes permanent.
WinMode assumes that the Windows drivers are correctly installed and configured
using the installation utility provided on the Windows 3.1 Drivers and Utilities disk.
WinMode Main Window
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