5. Utility Software
An additional adjustment for monitor SYNC POLARITY is also available while centering
is active. To adjust the polarity of the current mode, simply press the PgUp or PgDn
keys (while in Preview) to cycle through the available options (Vertical Sync Polarity/
Horizontal Sync Polarity):
+/+, +/-, -/+, -/-
Centering will not be allowed if CENTER.COM is loaded. You must unload
CENTER.COM before attempting to save new adjustments.
Limitations: You may only adjust and save 16 modes at a time to CENTER.COM.
Retrieving the Current VGA Controller Status
The information in the main CLMode window displays the VGA controller type, the BIOS
version number and the amount of video memory present.
Exiting the CLMode
To exit CLMode at any time, press the [Alt] and [F4] keys simultaneously, or click the
left mouse button on the system button of the main window (such as the top left corner
button of the window, shown as a bar), or select the Exit button. When the CLMode
utility exits, the current video mode, monitor type, and VGA refresh rate are displayed.
When CLMODE is exited, the settings are saved to the on-board EEPROM. These
settings are automatically loaded by the video BIOS the next time the board is powered
up. Note that CLMODE does not show the EEPROM present until it has been initialized.
The presence of the EEPROM can be confirmed in the System Information Box of the
main CLMode window.
Since the settings are saved to EEPROM, the ZT 6631 always powers up using these
modes and refresh rates. Make sure to reset the ZT 6631 to the default values (all
modes using 60 Hz refresh rates) before switching to a different monitor that might not
be able to handle the previous modes and refresh rates.
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