The ADI 4.2 driver provided with your ZT 6631 is the TurboDLD
Classic™ display list
driver from Panacea. It has two purposes:
1. To speed up AutoCAD
2. To provide a more productive, user-friendly interface to AutoCAD (via the features
described later in this manual).
The driver is memory resident and inserts itself between AutoCAD and the graphics
board. It has no other effect on AutoCAD's operation besides speeding up the program;
it runs with AutoShade 2™ with RenderMan
, and with 3D Studio to provide enhanced
rendering support, but does not affect the speed of these programs since they do not
support Display Lists.
Installing TurboDLD
Classic does not change any of the AutoCAD program files or alter
any of the drawing files stored on disk. TurboDLD
Classic is designed to make using
AutoCAD faster and more productive.
There are three things the driver does to speed operation:
AutoCAD stores drawings in a hierarchical structure, intermixing simple elements
with complex ones. Every time the screen is updated, AutoCAD must decode this
structure. However, TurboDLD
Classic translates the normal hierarchical structure
into a Display List, a series of vectors or polygon fills. When you pan or zoom,
Classic uses the Display List, then writes the resulting vectors to the video
board hardware. Since the hierarchical structure does not have to be decoded,
drawing proceeds very quickly.
2. TurboDLD
Classic also maintains a Drawing Cache. The Drawing Cache is a
compressed list that contains the current contents of a viewport. This pre-scaled
portion of the Display List allows for even faster pans and zooms and redraws.
3. TurboDLD
Classic gives you numerous new user-interface features, such as the
bird's eye view.
PANs and ZOOMs, aided by the Display List alone, run from two to twelve times faster
than a non-display list driver. The Drawing Cache further speeds things up to the point
that REDRAWs can be up to twenty-five times faster with TurboDLD
Classic, compared
to the graphics drivers shipped with AutoCAD Features.
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