Separate display drivers for Lotus
1-2-3 versions 2.x and 3.x are included with the
ZT 6631. This chapter describes these drivers.
LOTUS 1-2-3 V2.X
To install a Lotus display driver, proceed as follows:
1. Run the installation program (INSTALL.EXE). Choose the option for the Lotus 1-2-3
drivers and specify the drive and directory to which you want them copied (such as
2. From within the Lotus sub-directory type:
3. From the next menu, select Advanced Options for Lotus 1-2-3 v2.2 or Change
Selected Equipment for Lotus 1-2-3 v2.3.
4. For v2.2, select Add New Drivers to Library and go to step 5. For v2.3, select
Modify Current Driver Set and go to step 6.
5. From the next menu, select Modify Current Driver Set.
6. From the next menu, select one of the display and resolution configurations.
7. From the next menu, select Return To Menu.
8. From the next menu, select Save Changes.
9. Enter the name you have selected for the driver set. We recommend that the driver
set name reflect or include the driver's resolution (such as 132x43) The default driver
set name assigned by the program is 123.SET.
You may create multiple driver sets with different display resolutions. To run Lotus 1-2-3
with a specific driver set, type:
123 SETNAME [Enter]
is the name of the desired driver set.
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