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Manual No. 25993 Rev B 05/18
Troubleshooting ........................................................ 7.0
Dust Leaking from Cabinet Enclosure ......................... 7.1
Abnormally High Media Consumption ......................... 7.2
Reduction in Blast Cleaning Rate ............................... 7.3
Plugged Nozzle ........................................................... 7.4
Media Bridging ............................................................ 7.5
Neither Media Nor Air Comes Out the Nozzle
During Blast Cycle .................................................... 7.6
Blockage in Media Hose .............................................. 7.7
Poor Suction in Media Hose ........................................ 7.8
Air Only (no media) from Nozzle ................................. 7.9
Blowback through Media Hose ................................. 7.10
Media Buildup in Cabinet Hopper, Media Does
Not Convey to Reclaimer ....................................... 7.11
Static Shocks ............................................................. 7.12
Dust Leaking from Dust Collector Door ...................... 7.13
Dust Leaking from Exhaust Muffler ........................... 7.14
Dust Collector Not Pulsing ........................................ 7.15
Pulse is Steady Stream of Air
Instead of Quick Pulse ........................................... 7.16
Exhauster Not Running ............................................. 7.17
High Reading on Differential Pressure Gauge .......... 7.18
No or Low Reading on Differential Pressure Gauge 7.19
Accessories and Replacement Parts ...................... 8.0
Optional Accessories ................................................... 8.1
Electrical Components ............ Refer to Elect. Schematic
Cabinet and Exhauster Assembly ............................... 8.2
Basket and Drive Assembly ........................................ 8.3
Gun, Media Feed, and Plumbing Assembly ................ 8.4
Reclaimer Assembly .................................................... 8.5
Dust Collector Assembly ............................................. 8.6
Dust Collector Pulse and Plumbing ............................. 8.7
1.4 General
The BNP-160 tumble cabinet blasts small
batches of parts using a fixed nozzle and rotating
basket. Refer to Figure 1 for arrangement and callouts of
primary components. The cabinet consists of three major
1. Cabinet
2. Reclaimer
Reverse-pulse dust collector
The maximum capacity of the basket is 25 lbs.
The cabinet requires approximately 33 cfm of
compressed air at a maximum of 80 psi.
Theory of Operation
After parts are loaded into the basket, the air
supply and exhauster are turned ON, and the cabinet door
is closed, the cabinet is then ready for operation by setting
the timer located in the control box atop the cabinet
enclosure. Turn the dial to set the blast duration between
1 minute and 60 minutes. Blasting begins once the timer
is set. Air moving through the gun draws media into the
blast gun mixing chamber. The media mixes with the air
and is propelled out the nozzle. As the basket rotates, the
parts tumble in the blast stream, ensuring that all parts
and surfaces are uniformly blasted. The blast media
flows through the perforated drum and into the cabinet
hopper. These particles are drawn into the reclaimer for
separation. First dust and fines are separated from the
reusable blast media. Reusable media is retained in the
reclaimer hopper for reuse. Then dust and fines are drawn
out of the reclaimer and through the filter cartridge in the
reverse-pulse dust collector. The filter cartridge traps dust
on the outer surface and discharges clean air through the
outlet damper atop the collector. The filter cartridge is
cleaned by a pulse of high-velocity compressed air
expanding against the inner surface of the cartridge at
regular intervals. The expanding air momentarily reverses
airflow through the cartridge to release dust accumulated
on the outer surface. The dust particles fall away from the
cartridge and into the hopper and dust container for
removal. Blasting automatically stops when the timed cycle
is completed.
1.6 Dust
The BNP-160 cartridge dust collector is not
suitable for use in applications that generate dust from
lead coatings, heavy metals, or any other toxic materials.
Prolonged exposure to any dust can result in
serious lung disease and death. Short-term
ingestion of toxic materials, such as lead dust
or dust from other heavy metals and
corrosives, can cause serious respiratory injury
or death. This machine is not to be used in
applications which generate dust from lead
coatings, heavy metals or any other toxic
materials. Identify all materials that are to be
removed by blasting and obtain a safety data
sheet (SDS) for the blast media.
1.7 Nozzle
Ventilation requirements limit standard cabinets
to No. 5 (5/16" orifice) nozzle and No. 5 (5/32" orifice) air
jet. Unless otherwise specified at the time of order,
cabinets are supplied with a tungsten carbide lined
nozzle. Ceramic nozzle are available but should be
limited to occasional blasting and with mild media. More
durable boron carbide nozzles should be used when
blasting with aggressive media such as those listed in
Section 1.9.4. Nozzle options are shown under Gun,
Media Feed, and Plumbing Assembly in Section 8.4.