Technical Support:
As seen in section 3.1. Default configuration, the specific Mode window allows
configuring featured regarding to the operating mode of the A/C machine.
Figure 12.
Mode window.
Individual modes:
when selecting this option, 10 new 1-bit communication
objects will be shown. 5 of them are associated to the sending of each of the
available modes (Auto, Cool, Fan, Heat and Dry) and the other 5 objects, to
the reception from the A/C machine of the status of every mode.
The objects associated with the sending are: "Auto Mode Sending", "Cool
Mode Sending", "Fan Mode Sending", "Heat Mode Sending" and "Dry Mode
The objects associated to the reception are: "Auto Mode Reception", "Cool
Mode Reception", "Fan Mode Reception", "Heat Mode Reception" and "Dry
Mode Reception".
Moreover, the objects "Mode Sending" and "Mode Reception" (1-byte each and
available by default) may be used.
If the option Individual modes is activated, the operating mode of the A/C
machine can be modified (by writing the value "1" through the sending object
associated to the desired individual mode). Moreover, the current mode will be
also sent to the KNX bus, through the object "Mode Reception" and with the 1-
bit reception object of the individual current mode.
Simplified modes:
when selecting this option, the 1-bit object "Simplified
Mode" will be enabled. It allows establishing the desired mode: Cool mode,
writing the value "0" in the object, or Heat mode, writing the value "1". For this
control object there is no status object associated.