Technical Support:
Figure 6.
Status Window
It is possible to activate status objects for the following actions:
enables the "ON/OFF (status)" binary object, which shows the A/C
system operation status: value "1" indicates that the system is active,
whereas the value "0" indicates the system is inactive.
: enables one status object per available mode ("Heat Mode (status)",
"Cool Mode (status)", "Dry Mode (status)", "Fan Mode (status)" and "Auto
Mode (status)") as well as the "Mode [1 byte] (status)" object. The first five
objects (1-bit) are set to "1" when their corresponding modes are active, while
"0" indicates that the mode is not active. The 1-byte object is set to a certain
integer value according to the currently active mode (according to Table 2).
: enables the "Fan (status)" 1-byte object, which shows the current fan
speed, in percentage, of the A/C system (according to Table 1).
enables the "Swing (status)" 1-bit object, which shows the current
status of the slats of the A/C system (if available): the value "1" means that
the swing is active, while "0" indicates that the slats are still. Note that the
swing function may differ slightly depending on the A/C system model. Please
refer to section 3.1 for more details.
From the “Reset (initial configuration)” and the “Reset (data update)” tabs, the
integrator will be able to set the desired response to be performed by IRSC Plus upon
KNX power losses as well as the initial status after a download or a device reset from
ETS. On the one hand, the former permits defining the desired status in the air