Technical Support:
the fan level assumed by the A/C system after the bus failure, the
download or the device reset will be sent to the bus through the "Fan (status)"
the slats status assumed by the A/C system after the bus failure, the
download or the device reset will be sent to the bus through the "Swing
(status)" object.
As stated, these values are sent to the KNX bus through the corresponding status
object (the status of the temperature setpoint, however, is sent through the
“Temperature” general object, also intended for the reception of the control orders).
the required status objects should have been enabled (see section 3.3)
in order to have these values effectively sent to the bus.
if this sending is not enabled, the KNX bus will definitively not be informed
about the initial status of IRSC Plus, no matter if it is a custom status or the status it
already had before the bus failure (see Section 3.4).
To sum up, selecting "Send" for the above parameters (some or all of them) will make
IRSC send its initial status to the rest of the devices connected to the bus, to have
them properly updated.
Scenes consist in simultaneously sending various IR commands to the air conditioning
system, so that a certain climate configuration can be activated by simply sending the
proper value (i.e., the numeric value associated to that particular scene) through the
KNX bus.
IRSC Plus allows enabling and configuring up to
4 different scenes