ALLinBOX 161
/ 88 / 46 / Hospitality
Technical Support:
Figure 15.
Configuring Scene Timing
Therefore, parameter
Scene n. Z Delay
] [
] [
] defines
the delay that will be applied to the action defined in Z (being Z a specific individual
output, shutter channel or fan coil module) for the execution of scene m.
In the configuration of a scene of an output / shutter channel / fan coil module it is
possible to parameterise several scenes with the same scene number. This means that
several delay parameters associated with the same output appear in the configuration
tab of the delays of that scene. With this parameterisation, the behaviour will be as
follows: the action and delay of the first scene parameterised with the same scene
number will always prevail, where the highest priority scene is 1 (the first in the scene
configuration tab) and the lowest priority is the last.
ALLinBOX can be configured as the installation master clock, it will send the date and
time information to the rest of the devices of the installation. This information will be
obtained from an NTP server.
Please refer to the specific manual “
NTP Clock
” (available under the ALLinBOX product
section at Zennio homepage,
) for detailed information about the
functionality and the configuration of the involved parameters.