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Dear Customers,

Congratulations  on  your  choice  of  our  appliance,  and 

welcome among the users of Zelmer products.

Please  read  these  instructions  carefully.  Pay  your  special 

attention  to  important  safety  instructions,  in  order  to  avoid 

accidents  during  operation  and/or  avoid  damage  of  the 

appliance. Keep this Instruction for future reference.

Important safety instructions

Please  read  the  entire  user  manual  before  using  the 



Do not put your hands inside the jug, 

even if it is removed for cleaning, as 

the cutting blades are still dangerous 

– very sharp.


Do not put any objects (spoon, etc.) 

into  the  jug,  when  the  blender  is 

connected to power supply.


Do  not  wash  the  cutting  blades 

directly with hand.


Use the soft brush for washing metal 

parts, especially the sharp blades.


This appliance shall not be used by 

children. Keep the appliance and its 

cord out of reach of children.


Appliances can be used by persons 

with  reduced  physical,  sensory 

or  mental  capabilities  or  lack  of 

experience  and  knowledge  if  they 

have  been  given  supervision  or 

instruction  concerning  use  of  the 

appliance in a safe way and if they 

understand the hazards involved.


Children  shall  not  play  with  the 




Risk of injury


Always  place  the  appliance  on  flat, 

plain surface.


Always  disconnect  the  appliance 

from  the  supply  if  it  is  left 

unattended  and  before  assembling, 

disassembling or clearing.


Do  not  operate  the  appliance  if  the 

cord,  the  housing  or  the  handle  is 

visibly damaged. In such a case, return 

the appliance to a service center.


If the supply cord is damaged, it must 

be replaced by the manufacturer, its 

service  agent  or  similarly  qualified 

persons in order to avoid a hazard.


The appliance should be repaired by 

trained staff only. Improper repair can 

result  in  serious  hazard  for  a  user. 

In  case  of  defects  we  recommend 

you to contact qualified service desk.


Do  not  immerse  motor  housing  in 

water or any other liquid; do not use 

it in bathroom and outdoors.


Press  “


”  button,  before  you 

remove the lid of the jug and remove 

the jug from the motor housing, wait 

until the blades stop completely.


Do  not  use  stand  blender  without 

feeder opening stopper.



Risk of property damage


Always plug the appliance to the mains (AC only) with 

voltage  corresponding  to  that  indicated  on  the  rating 



Do not unplug by pulling on cord.


The supplying cord shall not be hanged over the edge 

of the table or board, nor touch any hot surface.


Do not fill the jug in with boiling liquids.


Keep the stand blender and supplying cord away from 

hot surfaces and burners.


If  it  is  possible,  store  the  stand  blender  away  from 

direct sun radiation and glow-like light.


Never store with lid closed on the blender jug. Damp 

the lid gasket with water before usage, and insert the 

lid on the jug.


Do not overflow the jug. In case the liquid gets under 

the motor housing, it can be vacuumed into the motor, 

causing its damage.


Summary of Contents for 32z010-001

Page 1: ...ncie przegrzania W takim przy padku konieczne jest od czenie urz dzenia od r d a zasi lania Wyci gnij wtyczk z gniazda sieciowego nast pnie odczekaj przynajmniej 10 minut pozwalaj c na ostygni cie sil...

Page 2: ...r j sk adniki na du e kawa ki Umie je w dzbanku i u yj na kr tko funkcji Pulse Celem uzyskania odpowiedniej konsystencji na ko cu w cz na kilka sekund ze sta pr dko ci Poprowad przew d zasilaj cy tak...

Page 3: ...resztek wewn trz dzbanka miksera 3 2 Do oczyszczenia dzbanka i no y zaleca si stosowa nie automatycznego czyszczenia Wlej oko o 1 litr wody do dzbanka miksera 3 i uruchom urz dzenie na oko o 30 sekun...

Page 4: ...zasilaj cego urz dzenia od sieci elektrycznej Opr nij dzbanek miksera 3 z zawarto ci Zdejmij pokryw 2 z dzbanka miksera 3 przez prze kr cenie jej zgodnie z ruchem wskaz wek zegara pozy cja Open Obr dz...

Page 5: ...d t Spot ebi mohou pou vat osoby s fyzick m senzorick m a ment l n m omezen m a osoby nemaj c zku enosti a znalosti o spot ebi i ale v hradn pod dohledem nebo po p edchoz m srozumiteln m vyjasn n mo n...

Page 6: ...15 Protismykov pojistka Obsluha a innost P PRAVA ZA ZEN K INNOSTI P ed prvn m pou it m stoln ho mix ru nebo po jeho d letrva j c ne innosti vymyjte n dobu mix ru 3 v ko 2 a n sta vec v ka 1 v tepl vod...

Page 7: ...protlak a om ky Vlo te v echny potraviny do n doby tekutiny jako prvn Ujist te se zda potraviny zakr vaj no e abyste zabr nili rozst ikov n Pyr z va en zeleniny Vlo te va enou zeleninu Pokud je p li...

Page 8: zet na prav stran za zen 10 Funkce Pulse Stisknut tla tka Pulse 7 zp sob kr tkodobou in nost za zen s maxim ln rychlost nez visle na nasta ven rychlosti no Tla tko Pulse 7 je p itla ov no pru inou...

Page 9: ...skav u Va obecn spr vy o recykla n m st edisku ke kter mu p slu te Toto elektroza zen nepat do komun ln ho odpadu Spot e bitel p isp v na ekologickou likvidaci v robku BSH dom c spot ebi e s r o je za...

Page 10: ...vajte m kk kefku Spotrebi by nemali pou va deti Spotrebi a jeho nap ov k bel skladujte mimo dosahu det Spotrebi m u pou va osoby s obmedzen mi fyzick mi zmyslo v mi alebo ment lnymi schopnos ami aleb...

Page 11: ...iahnite elektrick z str ku zo z suvky n sledne po kajte aspo 10 min t Po kajte k m motor vychladne Po tomto ase m ete stoln mix r znovu zapn Technick daje Technick parametre s uveden na v robnom t tku...

Page 12: ...ncie na nieko ko sek nd zapnite na st lu r chlos R chlos 8 do 10 Paradajkov pretlak a om ky V etky suroviny vlo te do n doby tekut ako prv Ubezpe te sa i suroviny prikr vaj ostrie aby sa zabr nilo str...

Page 13: ...zariadenie pre stane pracova Tla idlo Pulse 7 pou vajte ubo vo ne ale pam tajte e funguje pri maxim lnej r chlosti tak e kontrolujte to o sa deje so surovinami ak nech cete ma ka u Zariadenie nezap n...

Page 14: ...ovate n a z sadne by mali by vr ten na nov zhodnotenie Kart nov obal odovzdajte do zberne star ho papiera Vreck z polyetyl nu PE PE HD PE LD odovzdajte do zberne PE na op tovn zu itkovanie Po ukon en...

Page 15: ...jelenthet Meghib sod s eset n h vja a szakszerv z dolgoz j t Az elektromotort tartalmaz r szt ne mer tse v zbe vagy m s folyad kba ne haszn lja f rd szob ban vala mint a szabad leveg n FIGYELEM Be nem...

Page 16: ...i l b A k sz l k kezel se s m k d se A K SZ L K ZEMBEHELYEZ SE EL TTI EL K SZ LETEK A kelyhes mixert az els haszn lat el tt vagy a hosszantart t rol sa ut n mosogassa el a mixer kancs j t 3 fedel t 2...

Page 17: ...e a kancs ba s a Pulse funkci t haszn lja r viden lland sebess gre t rekedjen a v g n a megfelel s r s g el r se rdek ben 8 10 sebess g Paradicsomp r s sz szok Tegye be az sszes sszetev t a kancs ba e...

Page 18: ...mixer kancs j r l 3 annak az ramutat j r s val megegyez ir nyba t rt n elford t s val az Open ll s Amennyiben a k sz l ket nem fogja haszn lni h zza ki a vill s csatlakoz t a konnektorb l A k sz l k t...

Page 19: ...ixer kancs j hoz 3 Ett l f gg a r gz t s szoross ga Az sszeszerel s ut n ford tsa fel a mixer kancs j t 3 s helyezze a motort tartalmaz r szre 12 gy hogy a mixer kancs j nak als r sz n 3 tal lhat kiug...

Page 20: ...ite folosi i o peri u moale Dispozitivul nu trebuie s fie folosit de c tre copii Depozita i dispozitivul mpreun cu cablul de alimentare cu curent electric ntr un loc care nu se g se te la ndem na copi...

Page 21: ...i techerul din priza de re ea apoi a tep ta i cel pu in 10 minute astfel nc t motorul s se r ceasc Dup aceast durat pute i porni din nou blenderul Date tehnice Parametrii tehnici sunt nscri i pe etic...

Page 22: ...le p ine uscat toast uri Tr ia i produsele n buc i mari A eza i le n vas i folosi i pentru scurt timp func ia Pulse Pentru a ob ine consisten a corespunz toare spre final trece i pentru c teva secunde...

Page 23: ...ioneaz roti i i ridica i dopul capacului 1 introdu ce i noi produse prin dechiz tur pe urm fixa i la loc dopul capacului 1 i roti i l p n sim i i rezisten la dreapta sau la st nga Asigura i v c prosu...

Page 24: ...n la intrarea profilului n colierul de blocare de pe m ner 8 Asigura i v c colierul de blocare este n urubat pe vasul blenderului 3 De aceasta depinde dac mbinarea este perfect sau nu Dup montare nto...

Page 25: ...29 32Z010 001_v04 Zelmer Off RU...

Page 26: ...30 32Z010 001_v04 10 3 10 1 14 14 90 dB A 1 2 3 4 5 On 6 Off 7 Pulse 8 9 10 11 A 1250 3 Pulse Ice Crush 10 2000 bed and breakfast...

Page 27: ...31 32Z010 001_v04 1 3 1250 10 15 Pulse Pulse 15 20 250 4 5 500 1000 250 12 13 14 Ice Crush 15 3 2 1 10 1 12 2 3 3 3 12 3 4 3 3 1250 2 5 3 2 B 6 2 Lock 8 2 3 2 8 4 2 2 3 7 1 2 1 2 1 8 On 5 4 9 13...

Page 28: ...01_v04 6 7 Pulse 250 l 1000 Pulse 300 Pulse K Pulse 8 10 Pulse Pulse Pulse 11 14 1250 1 K 1 11 Ice Crush 6 10 15 1 2 1 Lock 3 4 Ice Crush 14 12 2 3 3 12 Off 6 10 10 Pulse Pulse 7 Pulse 7 Pulse 7 3 3 1...

Page 29: ...33 32Z010 001_v04 3 2 3 Open 3 MO 3 3 8 3 O 3 12 3 12 3 PE 12 8 3 12 2 3 Open 1 3 2 3 1 30 3 3 3 2 1 10 10 3 10 2 1 4 12 12 12 3 C...

Page 30: ...34 32Z010 001_v04 Zelmer Off BG...

Page 31: ...35 32Z010 001_v04 1250 3 Pulse Ice Crush 3 10 2000 10 3 10 1 14 90 dB A 1 2 3 4 5 On 6 Off 7 Pulse 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Ice Crush 15 3 2 1 10 A B bed and breakfast...

Page 32: ...36 32Z010 001_v04 1 3 1250 10 15 Pulse Pulse 15 20 250 4 5 500 1000 250 6 7 Pulse 250 1000 1 12 2 3 3 12 8 3 4 3 1250 3 2 5 2 3 6 2 Lock 8 2 3 2 8 4 2 2 3 7 1 2 1 1 2 1 8 On 5 4 9 13...

Page 33: ...01_v04 6 7 Pulse 300 Pulse Pulse 8 10 Pulse Pulse Pulse 11 14 1250 1 1 6 10 15 1 2 1 Lock Ice Crush 14 3 4 12 Off 6 2 3 3 12 10 12 8 3 12 2 3 Open 10 Pulse Pulse 7 Pulse 7 Pulse 7 3 3 10 1 1 1250 3 11...

Page 34: ...38 32Z010 001_v04 3 3 8 3 3 12 3 12 8 3 1 3 2 1 3 30 3 3 3 2 1 10 10 3 10 2 1 4 12 12 12 3 3 2 3 Open 3 C...

Page 35: ...39 32Z010 001_v04 Zelmer Off UA...

Page 36: ...40 32Z010 001_v04 1250 3 Pulse Ice Crush 3 10 2000 10 3 10 1 14 14 90 dB A 1 2 3 4 5 On 6 Off 7 Pulse 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Ice Crush 15 3 2 i 1 10 1 12 A B bed and breakfast...

Page 37: ...0 001_v04 1 3 1250 10 15 Pulse i Pulse 15 20 250 4 5 500 1000 i 250 6 7 Pulse i 250 1000 i Pulse 300 Pulse i Pulse i 2 3 3 3 12 8 3 4 3 1250 3 2 5 2 3 6 2 Lock 8 2 3 2 8 4 2 2 3 7 1 2 1 1 2 i 1 8 On 5...

Page 38: ...0 Pulse Pulse i Pulse i 11 14 1250 1 i 1 12 Off 6 2 3 3 12 10 12 8 3 12 2 3 Open 1 3 2 1 3 i 30 3 3 3 2 1 i 10 10 C 10 Pulse Pulse 7 Pulse 7 Pulse 7 3 3 10 1 1 i 1250 3 11 Ice Crush i 6 10 a 15 1 2 1...

Page 39: ...43 32Z010 001_v04 26663 19848 5 40 1 15150 3 10 2 i 1 4 12 12 12 3 3 2 3 Open 3 i 3 3 8 3 3 i 12 3 12 8 3...

Page 40: ...and before assembling disassembling or clearing Do not operate the appliance if the cord the housing or the handle is visibly damaged In such a case return the appliance to a service center If the sup...

Page 41: ...on the jug 3 before you use the stand blender 6 Turn the lid 2 counter clockwise Lock position until it stops in the cut in the top part of the handle 8 Make sure that the lid 2 is properly inserted...

Page 42: ...t speed to make them finer Water biscuits cookies dry bread toasts Cut the ingredients into big pieces Place them in the jug and at first operate short with Pulse function then switch for some seconds...

Page 43: ...d disregarding set blades speed Pulse 7 button is pressed with a spring When we stop pressing it the appliance shall stop the operation Use Pulse 7 as you like but remember that it works with maximum...

Page 44: ...o particular disposal centre because of the dangerous elements of this appliance which can be hazardous for natural environment Do not dispose into the domestic waste disposal The manufacturer does no...
