Technical Note “Complete Guide to Monitoring the Azzurro ZCS Systems via Wi-Fi”
Rev. 1.2 of 20/05/2019
Zucchetti Centro Sistemi S.p.A. - Green Innovation Division
Via Lungarno, 248 - 52028 Terranuova Bracciolini - Arezzo, Italy
Figure 55 – Screen for Acquiring a Field
Acquisisci Campo
Acquire Field
Inserisci Serial Number di un Inverter del campo
Enter Serial Number of an Inverter in the field
Cerco Campo
Search Field
Display the field(s) entered and their information (inverter number, serial number, model).
Figure 56 – Screen for Displaying Fields
Display the account status and request upgrades both in terms of multiuser and full account.
You can also request permission to use your own logo and image.
Figure 57 - Upgrade Request Screen
Trasforma il tuo Account in un Account Full
Convert your Account into a Full Account
Effettua Richiesta
Trasforma in tuo Account in un Account Muliutenza
Convert your Account into a Multi-user Account
Multi illimitato
Multi unlimited
Visualizza il tuo logo e le tue immagini dei campi
Display your logo and your field images