Electrical Hazards (Low Voltage)
Low voltage Control circuits used in the refrigeration unit are low voltage (12/24 volts dc). This voltage
potential is not considered dangerous, but the large amount of current available (over 30 amperes) can cause severe
burns if shorted or grounded. Do not wear jewelry, watches or rings. These items can short out electrical circuits
and cause severe burns to the wearer.
To help identify the hazards on the unit and explain the level of awareness each one carries, an explanation is given:
means an immediate hazard that will result in severe personally injury or
means to warn against potential hazard or unsafe practice, which could result in or personal injury,
product or property damage.
The statements listed below are applicable to the refrigeration unit and appear elsewhere in the manual. These
recommended precautions must be understood and applied during operation and maintenance of the equipment.
Beware of unannounced starting of the unit. The unit may cycle the fans
and compressor unexpectedly as control requirements dictate. Press OFF
key on the cab command.
Beware of V-belt and belt-driven components as the unit may start
Ensure power to the unit is OFF and vehicle engine is OFF and negative
battery cable is connected before replacing parts.
Slowly open the plug on the suction and discharge valves of the new
compressor to vent the nitrogen holding charge
Do not use a nitrogen cylinder without a pressure regulator. Cylinder
pressure is approximately 2350 psigg (160 bars). Do not use oxygen in or
near a refrigerant system as an explosion may occur.
Compressor failure will occur if inert gas brazing procedures are not used
on units with R404A/R134A and POE oil.