Z3 Technology, LLC
100 N. 8th St. STE 250
Lincoln, NE 68508-1369 USA
Click on “Applications” in the top band of options. On the left column, click on “live” and then
“Incoming Security”. Click “Edit” and then make sure “RTMP Publishing” and “RTSP Publishing” are
both set to “Open” and “Client Restrictions” is set to “No client restrictions.” Then click “Save”:
The Wowza server is now configured to work with your Z3 product.
You can also specify “Require password authentication” for “RTMP Publishing.” In this case,
“Authentication” on the channel tab needs to be enabled and a valid Wowza user name and password
needs to be entered to successfully access Wowza.
If you still run into issues, verify the Firewall on your PC with the Wowza server is turned off.
Figure 40 Wowza Security Settings