Z3 Technology, LLC
100 N. 8th St. STE 250
Lincoln, NE 68508-1369 USA
make -C ambarella/boards/cv22_walnut menuconfig_public_linux
Then rebuild:
make install
The configuration changes are not permanent.
The configuration is stored under
ambarella/out/cv22_walnut, and will get wiped out by ./makeall.sh.
To make the configuration changes permanent, copy them to the proper config file:
cp ambarella/out/cv22_walnut/kernel/linux-
5.4_cv22/.config ambarella/kernel/linux-
Running the Make Script
Go into the root directory
# cd /home/z3/fv2k-13a/-AMB-2022_04_06-20220406
# ./makeall.sh
: Building can take around 45 minutes.
The outcome of the build process should be newly created image files in the image’s directory. You can
confirm this by doing the following:
# cd scripts/z3-img
# ls -alt
The output will look like the following note that filenames, dates, and times will differ. See section 15.0
for installation methods.
Figure 6 Sample Content of Images Directory after Successful Build