YZ Systems Milton Roy • 201 Ivyland Road • Ivyland, PA • USA • 18974 • P: 281.362.6500 •
NJEX ZEO Version 04/13/2021
Page 69
4. Inspect the check valve located on the left side of the manifold and repair if components
are damaged.
Transfer Pump Leakage Alarm Troubleshooting Steps
When an active
Transfer Pump
alarm is indicated, the following steps should be taken:
1. Inspect the system for any obvious leaks and repair as necessary.
2. Verify valve positions are in the correct position according to the P&ID located in the
cabinet door.
3. If the
alarm occurs during purging of the system or the packing of the lines with
odorant on a new system, a manual refill of the verometer will be required and this will
clear the alarm.
4. Verify the odorant supply pressure is between 10 - 25 psi (.68 - 1.72 Bar)
Verometer Temp Cable Alarm Troubleshooting Steps
When an active
Temp Cable
alarm is indicated, the following steps should be taken:
1. Inspect RTD cable for any external damage such as cuts or crimps in the external cable
sleeve or moisture inside the cable connector.
2. Loosen and inspect the RTD connection threaded into the back of the verometer.
3. Reinstall RTD in the back of the verometer. Observe if the alarm is still active, if it is,
contact YZ Technical Services.
Verometer Over Fill Non-Alarm Indicator Troubleshooting Steps
When an active
Over Fill
non-alarm is indicated, the following steps should be taken:
1. Stop the system and empty the verometer by performing a purge.
2. Cycle power to the system and fill verometer. Allow unit to run and discharge one full
verometer volume until the verometer fills again.
3. If the verometer continues to overfill, please contact YZ Technical Services. Note to the
technician if the inlet pressure rises while the transfer pump is running.
Odorant Pressure Alarms
The NJEX ZEO unit requires 10
– 25 psi (.68-17.2 Bar) blanket pressure on the bulk tank. If the
blanket pressure is less than or exceeds this range, the Inlet Pressure Alarm will indicate if
enabled. The default inlet pressure alarms are set at 10 psi (.68 Bar) and 30 psi (2.0 Bar) but
can be modified.
Odorant Pressure Low
alarm indicates that the odorant pressure has dropped lower
than defined in the set-up parameters in the N-400 controller.