YZ Systems Milton Roy • 201 Ivyland Road • Ivyland, PA • USA • 18974 • P: 281.362.6500 • www.yzsystems.com
NJEX ZEO Version 04/13/2021
Page 71
ACC Cable
alarm indicates a failure to communicate between the Injection Pump and the
N-400 controller.
Injection Pump Diaphragm Failure
alarm indicates leakage has been detected in the
pump head signifying a diaphragm failure.
ACC Cable Troubleshooting Steps
When an active
ACC Cable
alarm is indicated, the following steps should be taken:
Inspect the injection pump cables for any external damage such as cuts or crimps in the
external cable sleeve or moisture inside the cable connector.
If damage is observed on cable, contact YZ Technical Services for replacement.
If no damage is observed, please contact YZ Technical Services for additional
Injection Pump Diaphragm Failure Troubleshooting Steps
When an active
Diaphragm Failure
alarm is indicated, the following steps should be taken:
Disconnect or lock power to NJEX ZEO System before performing maintenance.
Inspect the pressure switch tubing running from the Injection Pump head to the explosion
proof or flameproof enclosure. If damaged, replace and restore power to the system and
check for the alarm again.
If the Injection Pump alarm is still active, begin replacing the diaphragms. See
H for Injection Pump diaphragm replacement
Injection Rate Alarms
The NJEX ZEO system monitors and controls the volume of odorant injected and calculates an
actual injection rate over time. The injection rate alarm is tied to the 1-hour injection rate value.
If the system detects a deviation in the injection rate compared to the input target, an injection
rate alarm will be displayed. The injection rate alarm high and low values can be adjusted in the
Alarm Parameters. The recommended setting for the injection rate alarm limit is +/-25%.
Injection Rate Alarm Troubleshooting Steps
1. Inspect the system for any obvious leaks and repair as necessary.
2. Refer to the P&ID to ensure the valves are in the proper position for normal operation.
3. Check the oil level in the injection pump and fill if necessary.
4. The injection pump is built with an internal pressure relief valve. If the pressure relief
valve is set at a lower pressure than the discharge pressure, the relief will open and a
knocking noise will be heard with each pump stroke.
4.1. To increase the cracking pressure of the relief valve, identify the adjusting screw by
the yellow cap installed in front of the oil fill cap. Remove the adjusting screw cap
and using a hex key, rotate the adjusting screw clockwise until the pump is no longer