b) Attach two filter guide angles to the inside of each side
plate using 3 screws for each angle. Note the hole
locations on the angles for proper positioning when
attaching them on the side plates. Tighten screws.
c) Attach the two side plates to the center filter support
using 4 screws on each side. Do not tighten screws.
d) Attach the bottom filter support between the side plates
using 2 screws on each side. Do not tighten screws.
e) Attach the hood cover to the side plates using 3 screws
on each side. Do not tighten screws.
f) Set hood assembly on a flat surface to insure all com-
ponents are plumb and now tighten all screws.
3. Attach the hood assembly over the outdoor air opening on
the unit duct panel as follows:
On 7-1/2 ton units, the flange of the hood cover must be
inserted in under the unit top cover flange. One screw in
the unit cover flange must be removed and one screw (at
the right hand corner of the unit cover flange) needs only
to be loosened to allow the notched flange of the hood cover
to slide into place. Replace and tighten the 2 screws.
On 10 and 12-1/2 ton units, secure the hood flange to the
duct panel with 3 screws. Use holes in the hood cover
flange as a template and drill 3 holes, 9/64" dia. (#26 drill)
into the duct panel.
On all units, attach the hood side plate flanges to the duct
panel by drilling 6 holes, 9/64" dia. (#26 drill) for each side
plate at the dimples provided in the duct panel. Secure hood
into position using 6 gasketed screws in each side plate.
4. Secure the flange on the hood cover to the duct panel with
3 screws. Use holes in the cover flange as a template and
drill 3 holes, 9/64" dia. (#26 drill) into the duct panel.
5. Insert two (2) 1" filters into the center of the hood, coming
to rest in the center filter support at the back of the hood.
Press filters up against the filter guide angles on the side
plates and use 1 screw (B) on each side of hood to hold
into position.
Insert two (2) 1" filters into the bottom filter support per the
same procedures as the center filters.
NOTE: Install filters so that “Air Flow” arrows point upward,
toward the unit.
CAUTION: Extreme care must be exercised in turning both the
setpoint and minimum position adjusting screws to
prevent twisting them off.
6. The enthalpy set point for the dampers may now be set by
selecting the desired setpoint shown in Figure 9. Adjust as
For a single enthalpy (Model 2EE04700324), carefully
turn the set point adjusting screw to the “A”, “B”, “C” or
“D” setting corresponding to the lettered curve.
For a dual enthalpy (Model 2EE04700424), carefully
turn the set point adjusting screw fully clockwise past the
“D” setting.
7. To check that the damper blades move smoothly without
binding, carefully turn the minimum position adjusting
screw fully clockwise and then energize and de-energize
terminals “R” to “G”. With terminals “R” to “G” energized,
turn the minimum position screw counterclockwise until the
desired minimum position has been attained.
8. Replace the filter section access panel.
Unitary Products Group