FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
OptiView Control Center
Refrigerant Pump Level Switch 3F Failure
The chiller shutdown because the refrigerant pump has
been stopped for the duration of the Chiller Refrigerant
Level Shutdown Delay setpoint. The chiller initiates
limited dilution.
Recovery Condition
• If the chiller is in limited dilution when the switch
contacts close the unit initiates dilution and then if
the unit switch is taken to STOP/RESET position
the chiller becomes ready to start. If limited dilu-
tion has stopped, and the unit switch is taken to
STOP/RESET position the chiller becomes ready
to start.
RT3 Low Temp while MCFL Shutdown -
Chk Cryst
This safety shutdown occurs when the unit is equipped
with Franklin pumps has MCFL switch opened, the
refrigerant pump does not have coolant to cool the mo-
tors, the unit can not operate and immediately stops all
the pumps.
Recovery Condition
• If the chiller was not diluted at the moment that
MCFS opened, there is a risk of crystallization if the
unit continues with MCFL opened and the strong
solution temperature.
Secondary ADC Finished – Chk for Cryst
Secondary automatic decrystallization completed its
15 minute time period without the temperature on the
automatic decrystallization line (RT2) decreased below
150ºF (65ºC). Dilution initiates.
Recovery Condition
After it has been determined that crystallization has not
occurred, the unit can be restarted. To restart the unit,
press the UNIT switch to the STOP/RESET position,
then press the WARNING RESET key in SERVICE
access and then initiate a start.
RT3 Low Temp after Power Failure -
Chk Cryst
This shutdown occurs when power failed during run
status and the strong solution temperature at RT3 or
RT10 is less tha or equal to crystallization limit tem-
perature when the unit recovers the power.
Recovery Condition
After it has been determined that crystallization has
not occurred, the unit can be restarted. To restart
the unit, press the UNIT switch to the STOP/RESET
position, then press the WARNING RESET key in
SERVICE access and then initiate a start.
Soln Low Temp & Low Ref Temp Shtdwn –
Chk Cryst
Strong solution temperature from the generator (RT3)
or solution heat exchanger (RT10) decreased below the
calculated crystallization temperature during the time
the chiller was in safety shutdown from low refrigerant
temperature detected at RT8, LOW REFRIGERANT
TEMP ANALOG RT8 is less than 33ºF (0.56ºC).
Recovery Condition
• After it has been determined that crystallization has
not occurred, the unit can be restarted. To restart
the unit, press the UNIT switch to the STOP/RESET
position, then press the WARNING RESET key in
SERVICE access and then initiate a start.
RT3 Low Temp while MCFL Shutdown -
Chk Cryst
The unit (equipped w/ Franklin Pumps only) is in stand by
SWITCH OPENED" safety shutdown and the strong
solution temperature at RT3 or RT10 is less than crystal-
lization limit temperature.
Recovery Condition
• After it has been determined that crystallization has
not occurred, the unit can be restarted. To restart
the unit, press the UNIT switch to the STOP/RESET
position, then press the WARNING RESET key in
SERVICE access and then initiate a start.
Solution Pump Overload - Chk Crystallization
The unit executed a safety shutdown because a solu-
tion pump motor protector overload or thermal switch
opened and the strong solution temperature is less than
Crystallization limit temperature or while performing an
ADC. The unit will be set in stand-by until the problem
is addressed and the unit is reset.
Recovery Condition
• After it has been determined that crystallization
has not occurred, the unit can be restarted. To re-
start unit, press UNIT Switch to the STOP/RESET
position, then press the WARNING RESET key in
SERVICE access and then initiate a start.