FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Start Inhibit Messages
Auxiliary Safety Shutdown
When "Auxiliary Safety Shutdown" contacts connected
between , I/O Board TB4-1 and TB4-31 are open. The
message clears when the "Auxiliary Safety Shutdown"
contact closes.
Generator Hi-press analog PT1 > 672 mmHg
This message is displayed when generator shell pressure
is greater than or equal to 672mmHg. The message clears
when Generator shell pressure is less than 672mmHg.
HW Valve loaded > 10% close to < 9% to
When the Hot Water Control Valve position is greater
than 10% and the unit is OFF. This message clears when
the Hot Water Control Valve position i sless than 9%.
Leaving Chilled Liquid Temp < Setpoint
When the LCHLT is less than LCHLT setpoint. this
message clears when LCHLT is greater than LCHLT
Low Refrigerant Temp Analog RT8 < 33°F
The unit is inhibited from starting because the refriger-
ant temperature is less than or equal to 33°F (.56°C).
The message clears when the refrigerant temperature is
is greater than 33°F (.56°C).
Low Refrigerant Temp in Evap RT8 < 35.5°F
This message indicates the refrigerant temperature
decreased to 35.5°F (1.9°C). The unit will be inhibited
from further loading (the load signal will be allowed to
decrease or remain at it's present level, but will NOT
be allowed to increase) until the refrigerant tempera-
ture increases to 36.0°F (2.2°C). The reset threshold is
36.0°F (2.2°C).
Unit Shutdown by Multiunit Remote
This message is displayed when the "Multi-unit se-
quence" contact connected between I/O Board TB4-1
and TB4-9 opens. The message clears when the 'Multi-
unit Sequence" contacts close.
Steam Valve Loaded > 10% close to < 9% to
This message is displayed when the Steam Control Valve
position is greater than 10% and the unit is OFF. This
message clears when the Steam Control Valve position
is less than 9%.
Unit in Standby until power supply recovers
This message occurs during power failure, when an
emergency power is used. The Cycling Shutdown
Contacts close, Shut-off Valve closes, and 6SOL Valve
(if applicable) closes, and all pumps stop. Clears when
normal power is restored.
Unit shutdown by Remote Device
The unit is ready to start and the "Remote / Local Cy
cling" contact connected between I/O board TB4-1 and
TB4-13 opens. This message clears when the "Remote
/ Local Cycling" contacts close.
Warning Messages
Autopurge Failure - Purge Tank Pressure has
not decreased
This message occurs when the purge tank pressure
(PT4) has not decreased in 6 seconds when there is an
autopurge in process. The unit will close 7SOL and
8SOL, change the purge mode to MANUAL, stop the
purge pump after 65 seconds, and close the alarm con-
Recovery Condition
• Pressing the WARNING RESET key in SERVICE
access will open the alarm contacts.
Excess Purging in the Last 7 Days –
see Setpoint-
The purge counter has counted a number of purges be-
yond the Maximum Purge/Week setpoint. The chiller
alarm contacts close.
Recovery Condition
• Pressing the WARNING RESET key at any moment
opens the alarm contacts.
• Pressing the WARNING RESET key in SERVICE
access clears the message.