FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
This screen allows the user to browse through the system
faults. In order to get a more thorough reporting of the
system conditions at the time of the recorded shutdown,
view and print details buttons are available.
The user may use the soft keys provided to access the
Safety Shutdowns, Cycling Shutdowns, Start Inhibits,
and Warning Histories. The view details button will
show the operating data at the time of shutdown. The
Print Details
button can be used to generate a hard-
copy report of the parameter values at the time of the
shutdown. The print file button will generate a print of
the parameter values for all of the faults in the selected
file grouping.
Display Only
Safety Shutdowns History File
This window displays the date and time and the descrip-
tion of the Safety Shutdowns.
Cycling Shutdowns History File
This window displays the date and time and the descrip-
tion of the Cycling Shutdowns while the system was
Start Inhibit History File
This window displays the date and time and a descrip-
tion of the condition that would not allow the unit to
be started.
Warning History File
This window displays the history of any warnings that
have been encountered.
View Details
Access Level Required
This generates a report listing the status of the chiller
parameters at the time of the selected shutdowns.
Print Details
Access Level Required
This generates a hard copy printed report listing the
status of the chiller parameters at the time of the selected
shutdowns. For additional details refer to the Printers
Section of this manual.
Print File
Access Level Required
This generates a savable electronic report via hyperter-
minal listing the status of the chiller parameters at the
time of the selected shutdowns. For additional details
refer to the Printers Section of this manual.
OptiView Control Center