IM 2553A-01EN
11.1 List of Commands
Sets or queries the transition filter.
Sets or queries whether messages other than errors will be stored to the
error queue (ON) or not (OFF).
Sets or queries whether message information will be attached to the
response to the STATus:ERRor? query (ON/OFF).
Queries all the system settings.
Queries all the communication settings.
Queries all the Ethernet communication settings.
Sets or queries the Ethernet DHCP on/off state.
Sets or queries the Ethernet default gateway.
Sets or queries the Ethernet IP address.
Sets or queries the Ethernet MAC address.
Sets or queries the Ethernet subnet mask.
Queries all the GP-IB communication settings.
Sets or queries the GP-IB address.
Sets or queries the GP-IB command type.
Sets or queries the USB feature (USB-TMC/storage).
Restarts the 2553A when the specified time elapses.
Sets or queries the resistance of the sensor to be used for the external
Sets or queries the temperature unit.
Clears the standard event register, extended event register, and error queue. 11-13
Sets or queries the standard event enable register.
Queries and clears the standard event register.
Sets bit 0 (the OPC bit) of the standard event register to 1 upon the
completion of the specified overlap command.
Returns ASCII code 1 when the specified overlap command is completed.
Queries the installed options.
Sets or queries the service request enable register value.
Queries the Status Byte Register value.
Executes a self-test and queries the result.
Holds the execution of the subsequent command until the specified overlap