Event ID
ZINFO2: Not user relevant
ZINFO3: Not user relevant
DatID: Not user relevant
Internal error - Please contact the hotline!
ZINFO3: SFB number
CPU was completely deleted, since after PowerON the start-up could not be finished
Internal error - Please contact the hotline!
DatID: Not user relevant
Internal error - Please contact the hotline!
ZINFO1: Not user relevant
ZINFO2: Not user relevant
ZINFO3: Not user relevant
DatID: Not user relevant
Internal error - Please contact the hotline!
Internal error - Please contact the hotline!
Internal error - Please contact the hotline!
Internal error - Please contact the hotline!
PK: Not user relevant
ZINFO3: Not user relevant
DatID: Not user relevant
Internal error - Please contact the hotline!
PK: Not user relevant
ZINFO3: Not user relevant
DatID: Not user relevant
Restart of the component
1: OVS: Component start-up request was denied
3: Component data basis invalid
6: IP_CONFIG: New IP address assigned by STEP7 configuration
10: IP_CONFIG: A non-configured new IP address was assigned
13: HW reset at P bus (for CPU memory reset)
19: Switch actuation from STOP to RUN causes the restart of the component
20: MGT: PG command causes the restart of the component
21: MGT: Take-over of component data basis causes the hot restart of the component
23: Stopping the sub-system after having loaded the already existing consistency-secured SDBs xxxx by
the rack component
25: The SIMATIC procedure has been selected for the time synchronisation of the component.
26: Component actively established a connection
28: The SDB xxxx loaded by the rack component is the consistency securing object (SDB type 0x3118)
VIPA System 300S
System specific event IDs
HB140 | CPU-SC | 313-5BF23 | en | 19-01