Wind Speed: Hight
7 level
Diagram 15
Note: “wind speed High” means the wind speed is too high.
“16.5m/s” means wind speed is 16.5m/s.
“7 level” means wind scale is 7.
2)Under wind speed alarming (wind speed W≤Wmin): e.g.: (diagram 16): background light is on,
alarming; meanwhile, under wind speed indicator light is on. When under the state of
W>Wmin+, the alarming will be unchained. W min+: return difference of under wind speed. W
min+ >= Wmin should be set. If under wind speed alarming is not needed, please set W min+
and Wmin on zero.
Wind Speed: Low
2 level
Diagram 16
Note: “wind speed Low” means the wind speed is too low.
“02.2m/s” means wind speed is 02.2m/s.
“1 level” means wind scale is 1.
3) Press any key, and the alarming sound will be unchained. But the indicator light is still on. The
background light will be on again when alarming.