5. Fix the lower pulley on the front anchor. Fix one side of the longest thin cable wire on the pulley
of supporting pole. Make sure the other side drill through the pulley, and then drill through the
upper and lower pulley. Finally, fix it on a hoist or tractor (as shown in the graph 7).
Graph 7
(For 2kw & above 2kw)
1. Connect the last fixed wire cable to the one which is at least 16 meters. Tie one end to the winch
or tractor.
2. Drill the wire cable or bracing cord through one end of the ladder (2*4 or 2*5), which will be
served as support pole
Step 6: Erecting the tower
1. Drive the winch or tractor slowly and the tower will stand up along the moving of the cord. Stop
at each rising 15°and check the tensile force of wire cable on both sides. Any over tight or loose
wire should be regulated by putting down the tower slowly and adjusting the length of wire cable.