If GPInput1 is High, Channel 1 will be muted. If GPInput1 is Low, Channel 1 will be
unmuted. Front Panel mute/Unmute is still working.
If GPInput2 is High, Channel 2 will be muted. If GPInput2 is Low, Channel 2 will be
unmuted. Front Panel mute/Unmute is still working.
If GPInput3 is High, Channel 3 will be muted. If GPInput3 is Low, Channel 3 will be
unmuted. Front Panel mute/Unmute is still working.
If GPInput4 is High, Channel 4 will be muted. If GPInput4 is Low, Channel 4 will be
unmuted. Front Panel mute/Unmute is still working.
If GPInput5 is High, Amplifier will go to Stand-by mode. If GPinput5 is Low, Amplifier will
go back to running mode.
GPOutput1 to 4 reflects the "Signal" LED on the front panel (meaning current flowing on
the output). It will be possible to select a threshold in a next release (a Pilot Tone
generator will be implemented also). The GPOutput5 to 8 reflects the "Protect" OR the
"Peak" signal for each channel.
GPIO mode 2 (Installer mode)
This mode is intended to be used with permanently "High" or "Low" state signals. A state is
validated when the state of the pin has changed and is stable for 1 second. There is an
action depending on the state of each GPI. Here is the detail:
GPInput1: Sequential start-up input pin
GPInput2: Analog inputs mute/unmute
GPInput3: Digital inputs mute/unmute
GPInput4: Change from Setup 1 to Setup 2
GPInput5: ON/Stand-by function
GPOutput1: Sequential start-up output pin
GPOutput2: Analog inputs mute/unmute output
GPOutput3: Digital inputs mute/unmute output
GPOutput4: Change from Setup 1 to Setup 2 out
GPOutput5: Channel 1 current out above thrs
GPOutput6: Channel 2 current out above thrs
GPOutput7: Channel 3 current out above thrs
GPOutput8: Channel 4 current out above thrs
When starting, if GPIO is set to mode 2, the NXAMP will wait that its GPInput1 pin goes low
to start the amplifier part (big power supplies). Once started, it will put its GPOutput1 pin
low also, so several amplifiers can be linked together.
If GPInput2 is "High", the analog inputs will be muted. If GPinput2 is "Low", the analog
inputs will be unmuted.
If GPInput3 is "High", the digital inputs will be unmuted. If GPinput3 is "Low", the digital
inputs will be muted.
If GPInput4 is "High", Saved setup number 2 will be recalled. IF GPInput 4 is "Low", Saved
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