setup number 1 will be recalled. Warning: Any setup can be recalled, regardless of the
loudspeaker family.
If GPInput5 is High, Amplifier will go to Stand-by mode. If GPinput5 is Low, Amplifier will
go back to running mode.
GPOutput1 has been described above.
GPOutput2 reflects the GPInput2 (with a small delay and without glitches).
GPOutput3 reflects the GPInput3 (with a small delay and without glitches).
GPOutput4 reflects the GPInput4 (with a small delay and without glitches).
GPOutput5 to 8 reflects the "Signal" LED on the front panel (meaning current flowing on
the output). It will be possible to select a threshold in a next release (a Pilot Tone
generator will be implemented also).
GPIO mode 3 (CP4SW simple remote mode)
This mode is intended to be used with momentary "High" signals (like push buttons). It is
recommended to use the Yamaha CP4SW remote control panel for DME. Connect the
button 1 to 4 to the GPI 1 to 4, and each LED to GPO 1 to 4. Here is the detail:
GPInput1: ON/Stand-by function impulse input
GPInput2: Increase volume impulse input
GPInput3: Mute/unmute (or att) impulse input
GPInput4: Decrease volume impulse input
GPInput5: Mute or attenuator mode selector
GPOutput1: ON/Stand-by status
GPOutput2: Max volume reached status
GPOutput3: Global mute or attenuator status
GPOutput4: Min volume reached status
GPOutput5: ON/Stand-by out to other amp
GPOutput6: Increase volume out to other amp
GPOutput7: Mute/unmute out to other amp
GPOutput8: Decrease volume out to other amp
When an impulse of at least 3 seconds is detected on GPInput1, amplifier will go from ON
to Stand-by state or from Stand-by to ON state.
When an impulse is detected on GPInput2, the volume of all channels is increased by one
volume step (see volume menu for steps values).
When an impulse is detected on GPInput3, all the channels are muted/unmuted. Front
panel mute is still working.
When an impulse is detected on GPInput4, the volume of all channels is decreased by one
volume step (see volume menu for steps values).
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