MONTAGE Reference Manual
Edit buffer
The edit buffer is the memory location for edited data of these types: Performance, Live Set, and Song.
Although the edit buffer is designed specifically for data writing and data reading, the data contained in
the edit buffer is lost when the power is turned off. You should always store edited data to User memory
before editing new performance or before turning off the power. Data other than Performance and Motion
Sequence are automatically stored.
User memory
User data edited in the Edit buffer and utility settings for the entire system are stored in the dedicated area
in the User memory. Up to eight Library files (.X7L) read from the USB flash memory device are loaded in
the dedicated area in the User memory.
This is read-write memory and the data will be kept even after the power is turned off.
Recall buffer and Compare buffer
If you’ve selected another Performance without storing the one you were editing, you can recall your
original edits, since the edit buffer’s contents are stored on backup memory, called the Recall buffer. Also,
the instrument has a Compare buffer in which the sound settings prior to editing will temporarily be
reinstated for comparison purposes. You can switch between the just-edited sound and its unedited
condition, and hear how your edits affect the sound. Both of these are read-write memory types. However,
you should make sure to store the sequence data before turning off the power, because any sequence
data you’ve created will be lost when the power is turned off. For instructions on using the Compare
function, see the Owner’s Manual.