L Connect the fuel sender coupler,
neutral switch coupler, pickup
coupler, and side stand switch
coupler wires above the air
M Carburetors #1 to #4 in a left-to-
right way.
N Thread the wire harness inser-
tion clamp onto the T-stud of the
O Pass the starter cable through
the front of the throttle cable.
K Clamp the wire harness to the
seat rail, on the wire harness
positioning tape and at the im-
mediate rear of the side cover
mounting bracket on the seat
The front end of the clamp must
face downward and be posi-
tioned inside the back stay.
H Store the wire harness, the tail-
light lead wire, and the rear left
and right flasher lead wires, into
the space between the taillight
bracket and the rib of the rear
I The seat lock wire must not ex-
tend to the outside of the brack-
J Pass the lead wire leading to the
fuse box under the wire harness.