A Right horn.
Install the HI tone source (with H-
marked label) at the right of the
B Connect the #1-#4 spark plug
leads in order of the cord number.
C Pass the T.P.S. lead wire through
the clamp of the #4 carburetor.
D To the fuel sender.
G Clamp the wire harness to the
seat rail at the immediate rear of
the side cover mounting bracket
on the seat rail.
The front end of the clamp must
face downward and be posi-
tioned inside the back stay.
E Fasten the starter motor cable,
battery negative lead and speed
sensor lead to the seat rail be-
tween the air filter and tank at-
taching brackets with a clamp.
F Fasten two battery positive
leads, battery negative lead cou-
pler and wire harness with the
battery clamp.