Install latest WIRES-X software to the PC
• This is not necessary if the latest WIRES-X software (Ver. 1.550 or higher) is already installed on the PC to be used.
• The latest WIRES-X software must also be installed on the transceiver that is establishing the connected room or the
directly connected node station. (When WIRES-X software with Ver. 1.400 or higher is not installed, you cannot connect
to a portable node station.)
1. User login to the WIRES-X web site. Download and unzip
the “wx****en.zip” file of the latest WIRES-X software
(Ver.1.550 or higher).
2. Execute the “
” file in the unzipped folder.
The “WIRES-X Installer” window will appear.
3. Click [
WIRES-X Software Setup
The “
Welcome to the WIRES-X Setup Wizard
” window
will appear.
4. Click [
The “License” window will appear.
5. Put a check-mark in the “
I accept the terms in the
License Agreement
” check box, then click [
The “
Destination Folder
” window will appear.
6. Confirm the destination where the WIRES-X software will
install and click [
The “Ready to install WIRES-X” window will appear.
If a check-mark is placed in the “
Enable WIRES-X
Auto Start.
” check box, the WIRES-X software will
run automatically when Windows starts. Even if the
WIRES-X software is terminated for some reason, it
will reboot automatically.