Each digit turns invisible as "X" once setup
To scan available WiFi connection again
To cancel the search
Please wait while the printer is connecting to the selected network
The printer is connected to the selected WiFi network. Press [OK] to finish settings
06 : 06 : the number of WIFI connections currently detected
20 : Maximum detected WIFI
The list will be replaced by the actual WiFi connections found in your area. To view more available network, press Down
key to move to the next page.
Press [OK] to enter the password.
Press [OK] to read the instruction on inputing the password with the printer control panel.
Home Key: Switch input mode
Up and Down keys: Select numerals, alphabets, or symbols.
Left and Right keys:Moves to the previous or next digit.
Capital English letters mode:
Enter password with the control panel and press "OK" to activate the WiFi function.
4 input modes are available, including capital English letters, lowercase English letters, Arabic numerals and special symbols. When in the password input
mode, the keys function as illustrated below:
In case of no WIFI is available, please select "SCAN AGAIN" to retry scanning.
<---Current input mode
Lowercase English letters mode: Arabic numerals mode:
Special symbols mode:
Input the WiFi Password