IOEM/REM Safey and Installation Guide
IOEM/REM Safey and Installation Guide
5X00 Systems Management PID control mode with 4/20mA PID output control device
Proper wiring of IOEM output channel is required in order for IOEM
4ma-20mA output control device to work correctly.
IOEM Source channels are only available at 5X00 system fields once
IOEM mode has been uploaded using AquaManager-page 73;
IOEM Sources will only be available at IOEM and channel mode pull-
down menus that have been configured as a 4/20mA output type;
For 5X00 system configuration field information see - AquaManager
Help>Contents tab>Working with Nodes>Systems management>Systems
Management fields table and link to specific sensor system being con-
figured bookmarks;
4/20mA output channels can only be assigned to 1 5X00 system at a
. When selecting a 4/20mA output channel that is currently pending
or confirmed AquaManager displays the below 4/20mA Conflict Error
will not be live until the 4/20mA assignment
conflict is resolved
Configuring IOEM/REM expansion modules
icon will be displayed at the Run Screen for systems configured
with a PID output control device.
to upload system configuration to networked instrument;
Verify wired 4/20mA output device is regulating the system correctly
based on the system value.
Reset IOEM to factory
Follow the steps below to reset an IOEM expansion module back to factory settings.
A factory reset will return all IOEM channels to the default mode of 0-1V input.
All 5X00 instrument systems that were configured using IOEM inputs and outputs
need to be reconfigured. Reset of IOEM to factory also restores IOEM instrument
and channel names to default names.
Press Reset button for about 10 - 11 seconds. The reset button is located to
the left of the DC power connection
(located at location
on the metal
plate inside the enclosure. Observe that both status leds, as described at
page 85, display solid green at the same time before releasing the reset
button. Some clicking at board may be heard as all channels are reset to
0-1V inputs. Leds return to normal operation (page 85) several seconds
after reset.
Manually poll all nodes at AquaManager to ensure the AquaManager
database is properly updated to reset configurations.
Reconfigure IOEM input/output modes - see page 73;
Reconfigure 5X00 systems IOEM inputs and outputs after polling all
nodes at AquaManager;
Test configured input and output functionality after reconfiguring.
Configuring IOEM/REM expansion modules