IOEM/REM Safey and Installation Guide
IOEM/REM Safey and Installation Guide
The relay window displays a generic list of relays being relays 1-8 regardless if a lo-
cal relay has a user configured name. Remote 5200A or REM instruments always
display relays 1-8 even though these instruments have only 4 relays.
-refers to the input or output configuration of an IOEM channel. Select
able Input modes are: digital, 0-1V, 0-5 V, 4/20mA and temperature. There is one
output mode and it is 4/20mA.
IOEM channel mode can only be configured
using AquaManager.
IOEM modes are configured in AquaManager at the IOEM
node>Systems Management>Channel Mode pulldown menu;
5X00 systems-
refers to any 5X00 sensor system. 5200A systems are pH, ORP,
conductitivity , temperature, DO, Aux and E-Aux. 5400 and 5500 sensor systems
are DO, Aux and E-Aux.
-refers to the IOEM device slave address and channel number that a particular
Eaux system will use as its input. The IOEM source is configured in AquaManager
at the E-Aux 1-8 tabs. IOEM inputs can be used by multiple E-Aux systems.
Virtual system-
5X00 E-Aux systems are referred to as virtual systems because of
their ability to be used for a variety of device configurations.
AquaManager provides data logging, graphing, autopolling, mapping and system
configuration uploading functionality. AquaManager also displays near real-time
sensor, aux and E-Aux input values at the desktop PC. AquaManager is a valuable
tool for remote and local access applications.
Use AquaManager to configure IOEM and REM system menus. After polling all
instruments on a network, use node window “Systems Management” to view and
upload IOEM and REM configurations.
Detailed AquaManager user information is included in the AquaManager Help
The IOEM and REM Quick Starts guides below assumes a user has a general
knowledge of AquaManager Explorer and Systems Management Windows.
Quick Start - IOEM Configuration
IOEM instruments have either 4 I/O channels (IOEM-4) or 8 I/O channels (IOEM-8).
IOEM channels can be configured one of three (3) modes. Each mode is described
Input mode
- IOEM channels can be configured as an input.
Input mode selections
are digital, 0-1Volt, 0-5Volt, 4/20mA and temperature.
IOEM inputs use one of the
5X00 instrument’s eaux systems. (Each 5X00 instrument has 8 Eaux systems. Eaux
systems are also referred to as virtual systems.) 5X00 Eaux systems are configured
to monitor, control and/or alarm IOEM inputs the same way 5X00 sensor systems
Configuring IOEM/REM expansion modules
function. Eaux systems also have datalogging and event logging functionality.
4/20mA output mode
- IOEM channels can be configured as a 4/20mA output.
The 4/20mA output can be used for any 5X00 sensor (pH, ORP, conductivity, tem-
perature, DO), aux and eaux (analog, digital, temperature) system. The 4/20mA
output signal can be used by another connected device such as a PLC.
PID control output device mode -
4/20mA IOEM output channels can be con-
figured for a PID control output device
for 5X00 sensor (pH, ORP, conductivity,
temperature, DO) and aux and eaux non digital systems. PID control devices, such as
a valve, would open and close at user configured setpoints to maintain system values.
IOEM mode must be configured using AquaManager.
5X00 system must be configured in the PID 4/20mA control mode for
PID control output device mode option to be available.
Configuration of the IOEM mode is done at the IOEM node>Systems Manage
ment window>Channel Mode pulldown menu. Full configuration directions and
functionality are provided in AquaManager help.
Use AquaManager to configure IOEM channel mode
Verify latest AquaManager version is installed - page 81;
Build AquaManager Network. At AquaManager Help>Contents tab>
Working with nodes>Communication>Insert Node with direct connec-
tion or Insert Node with IP connection>Insert Slave device help topic
bookmark for information.
for all networked nodes including IOEM node(s).
Verify latest IOEM/REM firmware is installed - page 60;
Configure IOEM I/O mode at the IOEM node systems manage-
ment window. At AquaManager Help>Contents tab>Working with
nodes>Expansion modules>IOEM>Configure IOEM mode help topic
bookmark for information.
. to upload IOEM I/O channel mode configuration to
Configuring IOEM/REM expansion modules