Chapter 3 Controller Descriptions and Operation
During normal operation and at screens of DETAILS (Fig 14), tap [CURVE] to
display as follows (Fig 15):
Fig 15
Header from left to right: Sampling time, Temperature Sv, Temperature Pv, Humidity Sv and
Humidity Pv;
Left Y axis: Temperature in °C;
Right Y axis: Humidity in %RH;
X axis
Time slide to move left and right for display time range, in sec, min or hr dependent on the
scale setting.
Sampling rate (SR) means the interval between successive samplings, total time in one screen (SC)
means the time zone from left to right in sec, min or hr.
[CLEAR] is intended for clearing of the current data and display so that the new display starts from
the clearance.
Use [ZMI] or [ZMO] to shift between screens with different SR and SC. For example, Fig 15 show SR
of 10 sec and CR of 100 min. [ZMI] for lower SR , SC but higher resolution, while [ZMO] for
higher SR and SC but lower resolution. Fig 16 shows the result of [ZMO] and SR of 30 sec and
SC of 100 min.