9 / 13
Description of Inputs and Outputs (I/O)
Position and Orientation of the Terminals
Type: Input
Cable: At least 3x 0.25²,
approved for mains
Mains supply
Before connecting, preselect voltage correctly
Pin 1: P (Phase)
Pin 2: N (0)
Pin 3: E (Ground, mandatory)
Type: In / output
Cable: At least 5x0.25²
Digital breaker signal &
24V supply
X-232-DC: Supply 24V
X-232-AC: Do not connect (
→ s. “Electrical Installation”)
Pin 1: Supply, +24V (only X-230-DC)
Pin 2: Breaker signal full load
Pin 3: Breaker signal overload
Pin 4: Breaker signal minimum load
Pin 5: Supply 0V, breaker signal 0V
Pin 6: Ground (only X-230-DC)
Type: Input
Cable: At least 5x0.14²,
Sensor input
Metallic circular connector at case
Pin 1: Sensor (Exc+)
Pin 2:
Pin 3: Signal -
Pin 4: Sensor supply
– (Exc-)
Type: Output
Cable: At least 6x0.25²,
The insulation class
must correspond to the
switching voltage!
Relay contacts
3 relay contacts (normally open, NO)
Galvanically separated
Pin 1: C, KL1 Full load
Pin 2: NO, KL1 Full load
Pin 3: C, KL2
Pin 4: NO, KL2 Overload
Pin 5: C, KL3 Minimum load
Pin 6: NO, KL3 Minimum load
Type: Input
Cable: At least 8x0.25²
Floor detection
(see separate paragraph
“Background Information
about Floor Detection“)
Digital input, galvanically separated
(6bit + synchronization)
Pin 1: Bit 0 (LSB) Floor detection
Pin 2: Bit 1
Pin 3: Bit 2
Pin 4: Bit 3
Pin 5: Bit 4
Pin 6: Bit 5 (MSB) Floor detection
Pin 7: Synchronization, Measuring Stop
(if unused, leave unconnected,
Parameter L=0)
Pin 8: 0V, reference potential
Type: Input
Cable: At least 4x0.25²
External motion detector
Breaker signal and supply of an external motion detector
(PIR, Radar, Opto)
Pin 1: Breaker signal input (internal Pull-Up)
Pin 2: Not used
Pin 3: 0V
Pin 4: +24V/20mA supply for external sensor
Pin 5: 0V
The two sensor inputs are paralleled. If only one sen
sor is connected, it doesn’t matter if it is connected at the left or right
female input connector.