SIP Operation Manual
DHCP Settings
Enable DHCP Server: Enable or Disable DHCP server service of the gateway.
IP Pool Starting Address: The first IP address to be assigned to DHCP clients.
IP Pool Ending Address: The last IP address to be assigned to DHCP clients.
IP Pool Uses Other Default Gw: Tick the check box to give DHCP client the other default
IP Pool Default Gateway: Assign the default gateway and subnet mask to DHCP client.
IP Pool Subnet mask: Assign the default gateway and subnet mask to DHCP client.
Lease Time: The valid period of an assigned IP address.
Domain Name Server Assignment: The DNS information to be assigned to DHCP clients.
Assign DNS obtained from WAN port to the DHCP clients.
Manually assigns the DNS for DHCP clients.
Accessing Settings
Port of Web Access from WAN: Http port for WAN. To change this setting, web
configuration must be accessed via the gateway’s LAN port.
Enable Web UI: Unclick the check box to disable WEB access from WAN or LAN while
Enable Telnet Service: Unclick the check box to disable Telnet access from WAN or LAN
while necessary.