Versant 80 Press
Customer Expectation & Installation Guide
Key Features and Considerations
The following features are available and operate per specification, unless otherwise noted in the customer documentation.
Common User
An easy-to-use User Interface (GUI) that is
customizable to meet the clients most common actions
Common across Xerox engines running FreeFlow print
Server 9.0
Pantoe & Pantone
The FreeFlow Print Server and the print engine is a
Pantone Licensed solution
Tints and Highlights fine-tuned for better accuracy
Duotone, Tri-tone and Quad-tone support
Libraries licensed by Pantone
Concurrent processing
Job streaming
Streamed jobs cannot be interrupted
All jobs begin printing while still being RIPped when
programmed 1-N
Calibration & Color
Provide real time building and management of divice
links between source and output profiles (this
sometimes is referred as a four to four process)
Strong color management across the print floor
When using the ILS for calibration or profiling, use the
following stock sizes: 8.5 x 11 LEF, 8.5 x 14 LEF, 11 x
17, 12 x 18 or A4 LEF
When using the scanner for calibration use only 8.5 x
11 LEF or A4 LEF
Page Level
Exception pages
Selectively apply a variety of parameters at the page
level in addition to queue and job programming
Add tabs and other unique pages to a job
Includes ability to vary trapping, over print, image
shift, simplex / duplex, print as a grayscale, edge
enhancement, and stock selections on a page basis
Enables mixed media jobs
Independent side 1 / side 2 image shift
Mix single and double sided pages
Each page will be rendered per the profile associated
with the media selected for that page
Anti-aliasing cannot be applied on a page or object
Full Ordered Stock Support
The ability to recognized a jam on tabs and purge the
set and reprint a complete set with the proper tab
Queues / Virtual Printers /
Hot Folders
Multiple independent queues
Apply programming parameters via queue for
workflow automation
Up to 250 queues allowed
Hot Folder support for job submission
128 queues with AppleTalk
Page and Object
Level Adjustments
Color paths can be changed on a page and object type
If a substantial amounts of changes are necessary it is
always best to rework original file then try and manage at
Job Accounting
Captures job related characteristics for display and/or
Data captured includes Job ID, container ID, host job
number, sender name, recipient, account, disposition job
status, virtual printer, printer type, job submission date,
input file size, PDL format, start & stop RIP time, elapsed
RIP time, number pages RIPped, total pages trapped,
print start and complete, copies printed, finishing
applied, black page count, color page count, anti-alias
page count, stocks used (weight, size, etc., for each)
Sample Print
Request an additional set every N sets to be printed
and set to the press top tray
Print sample one or more sheets at N sheet intervals in
the job or one or more sheets at any point in every N
sets vs. the entire set
There may be a pitch delay between the stacker and the
top tray
Dynamic media pulls
Recognizes this PostScript command for any stock
related parameter to enable mixed stock jobs
Disk Overwrite
Overwrite tool see
Security section