Where to Find Help
Diagnostic Tool
A Customer Diagnostic Tool CD is provided with your system. It provides you with the
information needed to identify and resolve image quality issues or faults the press may
be experiencing, and includes the procedures on how to replace customer-accessible
press components.
This tool is the first step you can use in isolating a problem or specific fault code and
the resolution associated with it.
Help on the Xerox Web Site
For technical product support, Xerox supplies, customer documentation, and answers to
frequently-asked questions, go to
. You will find the latest documentation
and the knowledge base under Support & Drivers. Use the Contact link for specific
contact information/telephone numbers in your area.
Be sure to periodically check this website for the latest information on your product.
It may be helpful to know your press serial number before calling for support. The press
serial number is shown on the Machine Information tab: Machine Status > Machine
Versant™ 2100 Press
Quick Start Guide