TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg C
Crreeddiitt C
Caarrdd RReeaaddeerr EErrrroorrss
Probable Causes
The message Lane Closed appears
on the credit card reader..
The credit card reader requires
Reset the credit card reader. For
details, refer to
The credit card reader is not
functioning properly.
The credit card reader requires
Reset the credit card reader. For
details, refer to
The device is not powered on.
Power on the device. For details,
refer to
The User Interface requires
Restart the User Interface. For
details, refer to
The credit card reader does not
accept the credit card or payment
The credit card or payment card is
not supported.
Use a supported credit card or
payment card. For further
information on supported cards,
refer to accepted payment
methods notice at the facility.
The credit card reader beeps
The credit card reader requires
Contact the system administrator.
KKiioosskk RReesseettss oorr PPoow
weerrss O
Offff FFrreeqquueennttllyy
Probable Causes
The 2 power cords are not plugged into the outlet
Power off the kiosk, confirm that the power cords are
correctly plugged into the kiosk and the outlet, then
power on the kiosk. For details, refer to
The kiosk is plugged into an uninterruptible power
supply (UPS), extension cord, or power strip.
Do not use an uninterruptible power supply (UPS),
extension cords, or power strip. Always plug each
power cord directly into an electrical outlet.
A network configuration problem exists.
Unplug the network cable. If the problem is resolved,
contact your network administrator to reconfigure
your network installation.
A system error occurred.
Contact your Xerox
representative with the error
code and message. Check the User Interface (UI)
fault history. For details, refer to the
Administrator Guide
Instant Print Kiosk
User Guide