Front Door Electronic Lock
The optional front door includes an electronic combination lock with a touch-sensitive keypad. The
lock protects internal parts of the Kiosk from unauthorized physical access using a 6-digit pass code.
Deeaaccttiivvaattiinngg tthhee FFrroonntt D
Doooorr EElleeccttrroonniicc LLoocckk
To deactivate the front door electronic lock:
1. Touch the electronic lock keypad.
Two numbers on the keypad illuminate.
2. Touch and release either of the illuminated numbers, then touch and release the other
illuminated number.
The entire keypad illuminates.
3. Type the lock pass code, then touch
The lock deactivates and the front door can be opened.
• The default pass code is 123456.
• The first time that you use the device, it is strongly recommended that you change the
pass code. For details, refer to
Changing the Front Door Electronic Lock Pass Code
4. To reactivate the lock, close the front door.
The lock reactivates automatically.
Chhaannggiinngg tthhee FFrroonntt D
Doooorr EElleeccttrroonniicc LLoocckk PPaassss C
To change the front door electronic lock pass code:
1. Touch the electronic lock keypad.
Two numbers on the keypad illuminate.
2. Touch and release either of the illuminated numbers, then touch and release the other
illuminated number.
The entire keypad illuminates.
3. Type the lock pass code, then touch
The lock deactivates.
The default pass code is 123456.
4. To enter a new pass code, touch
, then enter a new six-digit pass code.
5. To confirm the new pass code, touch
, then enter the new pass code again.
6. To save the pass code, touch
The electronic lock activates automatically.
Instant Print Kiosk
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