TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg PPrriinntt Q
Quuaalliittyy PPrroobblleem
Your kiosk is designed to produce consistently high-quality prints. If you observe print quality
problems, use the information in this section to troubleshoot the problem. For details, go to
Use of non-Xerox supplies is not recommended. The Xerox
Warranty, Service
Agreement, and Total Satisfaction Guarantee do not cover damage, malfunction, or
degradation of performance caused by use of non-Xerox supplies, or the use of Xerox
not specified for this kiosk. The Total Satisfaction Guarantee is available in the United States
and Canada. Coverage can vary outside these areas. Contact your Xerox
representative for
To enhance the print quality, toner, print, or drum cartridges for many models of
equipment are designed to cease functioning at a predetermined point.
PPrriinnttiinngg tthhee TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg PPrriinntt Q
Quuaalliittyy PPaaggeess
1. To print procedures on resolving print quality problems, in the
System Administrator Guide
, refer
to the procedure for accessing Information Pages. Touch
Troubleshooting Print Quality Page
then touch
2. Compare your print quality problems to the examples on the pages.
miinnaattiinngg tthhee PPaappeerr oorr M
Meeddiiaa aass tthhee PPrroobblleem
Damaged or unsupported paper or media can cause print quality problems even when the kiosk is
working perfectly. Use the following guidelines to eliminate the paper as the source of the print
quality problem:
• Make sure that the kiosk supports the paper or media.
• Make sure that the kiosk is loaded with undamaged, dry paper.
• If the condition of the paper or media is in doubt, replace it with new paper or media.
TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg PPrriinntt Q
Quuaalliittyy PPrroobblleem
mss iinn tthhee KKiioosskk
If print quality problems appear when printing a Demo Page or the Configuration Report from the
User Interface (UI), the problem is the kiosk.
To find the source of the problem:
1. At the UI, print the Troubleshooting Print Quality Pages. For details, refer to
Troubleshooting Print Quality Pages
2. If the prints are too light to see print details, verify the following:
• The kiosk is loaded with undamaged, dry supported paper.
• The toner levels of one or more of the toner cartridges is not too low.
3. If the pages are printed with a solid color, one or more of the drum cartridges can be defective.
Correct the problem before continuing.
4. If the colors of the pages do not match expectations, run the UI Print Calibration.
5. Compare the print-quality problems in your document to each of the examples in the
Troubleshooting Print Quality Pages.
Instant Print Kiosk
User Guide