A.10 Glossary
Interface cables include, USB or Parallel cable, which connects a printer with a computer,
and Ethernet cable, which connects a printer with a network.
IP address:
An address used by TCP/IP protocols to identify computers on a network. It is expressed in
dotted quad format which is a series of four decimal numbers separated by decimal points.
A protocol used when printing using HTTP.
A unit of work processed by computers. A print job is a unit of work run on a printer and
consists of printing one file. Cancelling or executing printing is done by this unit.
Local printer
In this guide, a "local printer" refers to a printer that is directly connected to a computer using
a parallel cable or USB cable.
Log in/on:
To gain access to a resource on a computer system (such as hard disk or printer on a
network). To end a session on a computer system refers to "to log out/off".
A feature that allows you to print multiple pages onto one sheet of paper.
A network operating system developed by Novell, Inc.
Network printer:
In this guide, "network printer" refers to the printer connected to a network using an Ethernet
Online help:
A manual that can be viewed on your computer screen.
Operating System (OS):
Software that runs on a computer to control or manage the basic operation of its hardware
and software. It provides an interface to the hardware for the application software.
Parallel interface:
One of the data transmission methods used between a computer and a peripheral device
that transfers several different bits of information simultaneously. One of the most popular
parallel interface is a Centronics-type, which is used commonly to connect a computer to a
PDF file:
In this guide, we call an online document created with Acrobat (software developed by
Adobe Systems) a "PDF file". To view PDF files on your computer, you must install software
called Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer.
A connection point that allows exchange of information between a computer and its