Xerox Duplicator
There are five menus in Manage Accounts.
View User
This menu allows you to view current existing user accounts.
Note: User “Admin” is the administrative account. It will always
be there.
Press >> to enter into this menu. Press << to go back to the Main menu or
to cancel the current selection.
Create User
This menu allows you to create additional user accounts. Each user
has their own settings. During this process, you will be prompted to
enter a new user name and user password for a new account.
Note: User names can consist of maximum eight alphanumeric
letters or numbers. User passwords can consist of four num-
Press >> button to enter into this menu and press << button to go back to
the main menu or cancel the current selection.
Edit User Information
This menu allows you to change the existing user account’s name
and password. During this process, you will be asked to select the ex-
isting account and then you will be prompted to enter the new user
name and new user password for this account.
Note: User “Admin” is the administrative account, you CAN-
NOT change the user name for this account, but you will be
able to change the password for this account. User names can
consist of maximum eight alphanumeric letters or numbers.
User passwords can consist of four numbers.
Manage Accounts
1. View User
Manage Accounts
2. Create User
Manage Accounts
3. Edit User Info