Scan To
System administrator credentials are required to set up this feature before you can use it. For details,
refer to the
System Administrator Guide
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Scanning to a PC allows you to scan to a folder on the server or to a shared folder on a personal
computer. This option allows you to scan to an email address or an IP address, or use an Optical
Character Recognition (OCR) option.
The Scan for OCR option allows you to search for or edit your scanned document in a
software program.
Before you scan an image to a PC, configure the destination folders on the server, or share the folder
on a personal computer. A folder destination does not appear onscreen unless the destination is in
Internet Services, for the Scan To Destination. If there are no destinations
added for Scan To Destination, the Scan To PC icon appears grayed-out onscreen.
To scan and send an image to a PC:
1. At the printer, load the original document on the document glass.
• Place the first page of the document face down, in the top-left corner of the document glass.
For details, refer to
B1022 Multifunction Printer
User Guide