Matching paper size to image size
Commands to change paper size are written into the print jobs
when they are created. The system checks the paper size
required for the job against the paper size currently being used.
If the sizes do not match, one of the following series of
messages displays:
OS2260 Paper in selected tray too large. Change if desired
OS2000 Enter 'CONTINUE O' to resume printing
OS2261 Paper in selected tray too small. Change paper
OS2000 Enter 'CONTINUE O' to resume printing
OS2262 Paper in cluster xxxxxx is too large.
OS2000 Enter 'CONTINUE O' to resume printing
OS2263 Paper in cluster xxxxxx is too small.
OS2000 Enter 'CONTINUE O' to resume printing
You can either change the paper in the selected tray (or cluster),
or switch to another tray so that it is loaded with the correct
paper size.
Note: If necessary, you can print on paper that is too large, but
the printer does not allow you to print on paper that is too small.
If you specified a paper size larger than the paper size loaded in
the current tray, you must change the paper, select another tray
with the correct size, abort the report, or space over pages until
you reach a page that is the correct size for the paper in the tray.
Paper sizing and clusters
Different trays within a cluster can hold different size paper. An
A in the ASIZ column of the cluster display on your system
controller display indicates whether a cluster can contain trays of
different sizes.
1 2
1 2
The person who codes the job using the above cluster tells the
printer how to make the automatic sizing choices. Depending
on how the job was coded, the printer either stops, asks you to
correct a tray sizing problem and enter CONTINUE O, or makes
its own selections. For example, if a mismatch occurs where the
paper is larger than the paper specified in the job, the printer
continues to print on any paper that is the size it needs or larger.
If you encounter any problems related to paper sizing and
clusters, contact your lead operator or systems specialist.
Current trays and preferred trays
Current trays in a cluster are those loaded with the correct stock.
The CLU command establishes or deletes current trays for a
cluster. Preferred trays in a cluster are those recommended
when the cluster was created. The CLP command defines or
deletes preferred trays for a cluster.
XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS OPERATOR GUIDE