c. To copy files from a labeled tape to the system disk,
enter the following command:
[input-file-id [output-file-id] NEXT|ALL|file-type]
Specifies the tape drive where the file is located. Use
TAPE if the file is on a 9-track tape, or CAR if the tape
is on an 18-track cartridge tape. Use the SUB DEVICE
command to identify the cartridge tape drive assigned
to the CAR keyword, if there is more than one
cartridge tape drive on your system (refer to the Xerox
4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Command Reference).
Displays a warning message when the file to be copied
is about to overwrite a file of the same name already
on the system disk, and asks if you want to continue.
Enter Y to overwrite the file, N to skip the file, or X to
abort the copy process.
Identifies the system disk to which the file is written
(DP1:, DP2:, or DP3:). You do not need to enter this
Specifies the full name of the file to copy (including its
Specifies the name of the file to be written if it is
different than the name of the source file. If output-
file-id is not specified, the name of the source file is
Specifies which files to copy:
Copies the next file on the tape to the system
Copies all files on the tape to the system disk.
Copies all files with a specified extension (file type)
to the system disk.
d. To copy files from the system disk to a labeled tape,
verify that the tape is initialized. If it is not, refer to the
Xerox 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS Command Reference for
information on the VOLINIT command. Then enter the
following command:
COPY {TAPE|CAR} WRITE [/BF:n] LABEL [disk-id] {file-
id [output-file-id] ALL|file-type}
Specifies the tape drive where the file is to be written.
Use TAPE if the file is on an 9-track tape, or CAR if the
tape is on a cartridge tape. Use the SUB DEVICE
command to identify the cartridge tape drive assigned
to the CAR keyword if there is more than one
cartridge tape drive on your system.
XEROX 4050/4090/4450/4650 LPS OPERATOR GUIDE