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Features subject to change without notice
Station Feature Check
Using a 31-Button Display telephone or a wireless handset, a station user or technician can dial a
code to verify the status of the station’s features. Is very helpful when troubleshooting, or to
ensure that an extension is programmed correctly.
Station Lock/Unlock
Using a station’s password, users can lock their telephones. This helps reduce unauthorized
users from using an extension that may have an unrestricted toll restriction. It should be noted
that the station locked feature also locks users from dialing 911!
Station message detail recording is used to log inbound and outbound calls for specific
extensions. This information can be sent to a parallel printer or a call accounting software
Station Off-Net (External) Call Forward
Stations can be granted the ability to Off-Net or External call forward calls to an external number
such as a cellular telephone or a home telephone number. This parameter must be enabled
through database programming.
T1 / PRI Card
In the near future the Suite 64 will have a T1 / PRI card. This card will run both T1 and Primary
Rate ISDN formats. Additionally, DID tables will be added for routing DID calls.
Tenant Groups
The suite 64 has 3 tenant groups. Each group has its own attendant, open and close schedule,
and system alarms. Additionally, Extension users can be granted or denied the ability to call
between the tenant groups.
Text Messaging
Each 31-Button telephone and wireless handset can display an extensions’ status. Dialing a
code, station users can update their display with a message that informs other uses of the current
status, such as “Out to Lunch”. There are six programmed messages that can be used and one
message can be customized before it is sent.
Toll Restriction
The PCS Digital systems provide a sophisticated monitoring of digits dialed on CO lines. The
assignment of “Class of Service” is used for a broader range of call control, then simple toll
restriction implies. If a Digit or range of digits is dialed on a CO line, which is inconsistent with the
dialing extension’s privileges, as defined in their class of service the call will be denied. The Suite
64 also checks each CO Line’s class of service before allowing a call to be placed.
Touch Tone On/Off
Each extension can enable or disable the simulated DTMF tones heard when dialing digits.
When disabled, no sound is heard when dialing internal extension numbers. However, when
dialing on a Central Office line the tones are heard.