Commercial SmartPad LCD
© 2006 Xantech Corporation
The project can now be transferred to the SmartPAD LCD™ Touch Screen Panel.
Before continuing, make sure the PC is connected to the CSPLCD display and a ‘BASE UNIT WHO AM
I’ can be performed. For Advanced systems you may also transfer the project at this time for a System Test
before getting into more complex system features.
To transfer the project to the CSPLCD, complete the following procedure.
1. Click on BASE UNIT and select ‘WHO AM I’ from the menu list. Verify a valid response is received.
2. Click on FILE and select ‘Base Unit Transfer’ from the menu list or simply press CTRL + B on the
PC keyboard.
3. A file transfer dialog box should appear and start showing progress of the transfer process. During
this time, the STATUS LED on the CSPLCD (
Figure 2a – 2c Item #3
) will flicker to indicate a
transfer is in process.