X – 60 Instructions Version 1.0
Page 16
A10) Install the 4-40 X 3/8” bolt in the corner (short arrow)
and the 4-40 X ½” bolt (from instruction #22) in the rear
center of the transmission (long arrow). Leave them
finger tight until step A12. Make sure the head of the
3/8” bolt is fully down in its boss and no part of the bolt
protrudes on either side. This part of the transmission
must fit into the “box” at the rear of the chassis.
A11) The motor plate has two extra 4-40 tapped holes which are useful to install a fan
for the motor (left photo). The arrows in the right photo point to the three holes
that attach the plate to the transmission. Team drivers put a drop of thread lock
in these holes prior to the next step. Thread lock on the long bolts will come off
going through the transmission, so a drop here works best.
A12) Insert the three 4-40 X 1” screws (from instruction
#19) through the transmission case, threading
them into the motor plate finger tight. Check once
again to ensure the transmission rotates freely but
without excessive slop. This is your last chance!
Now put the final torque on all five transmission
OK, transmission’s done now, so let’s set it aside and put on the front end.